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Updated: Nov 22, 2022

Thembani is a writer, producer, improviser and a family man. Currently in his 3rd year of study at AFDA and has worked on several films as both a writer and a producer. Some of the films he has produced include "The Presence", "Storefront" and "The Wonderful Adventures of Duffy". Growing up in King William's Town, he dreams of one day owning his own production company.

In addition to being a writer, producer, and improviser, Thembani is also a father. Currently enrolled in the third year of his program at AFDA, he has worked on several films as a writer and producer. In addition to "The Presence", "Storefront", and "The Wonderful Adventures of Duffy", he has produced several other films. As a child growing up in King William's Town, he dreamed of owning his own production company one day

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